Ask Zanna Anything

Easily access Zanna’s CX transformation knowledge!

Let me answer your questions!

Zanna’s goal is to share all her knowledge with the world so we can enhance the level of Customer Experience across the globe and create more Human Centric companies.

I know I can never replace the real Zanna, but I hope to be a good helper in sharing Zanna’s CX transformation knowledge with you in a more easy digestible way: by chatting with you.

When you start chatting with me, you will receive 4 key CX questions Zanna has curated or you can just ask your own question of course! Just start the chat down below and let’s see if we can have a nice chat together.

After 3 questions, I will ask you to fill  out a short google form, so Zanna and the team can keep improving so I can add the most value for you.

Thanks again for testing me!