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Recognize these?
What’s the best way to map the journey? How can we best measure our touchpoints? Why are we struggling to improve after mapping the journey? How can we best increase our NPS (net promotor score) or SAT (satisfaction)?
These are some of the CX FAQ’s I have received over the years and in this 10-min video you find answers to these question and how you can prevent the top 3 issues around journey mapping and surveys.

Measurable results in short time
Create measurable results on your customer experience within three months and make sure customers feel a difference in each journey.
Energy boost of employees
Employees feel energized to apply your actionable CX insights in their daily work because it adds value to them.
Board that embraces CX
The board will ask you how they can lead by example to prioritize CX across the organization.
Three ways I can help
High impact CX means (1) ensuring your board embraces CX, (2) employees are excited to use your insights and (3) show measurable results within 3 months. I can help you deliver high impact CX in three main ways:
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about CX
Check out the CX Hub with many resources to be inspired and learn more about delivering high impact CX in your organization.
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champions league
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Experience high impact CX
In a 12-week pilot we map the journey, find the drivers and share the results to energize board and employees to experiment.
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What clients say
“I’ve always had a strong belief in the importance of customer centricity. In cooperation with Zanna, we have been able to implement a data-driven approach to find what really drives a great experience, combined with a lot of inspiration and energy across our offices to experiment with the insights to improve the experience of our candidates and clients. We were able to quickly scale the approach to multiple countries and continue to build a distinctive 9+ experience across Egon Zehnder.”

Natascha van Boetzelaer
Egon Zehnder
“With this methodology I’m able to fulfill my goals to improve both the functional and emotional experience in our candidate, customer and employee journeys. Our consultants now know exactly where to make the difference for their candidates and clients. This gives them a great energy boost and even more purpose. It brings Randstad measurable results in increased satisfaction, NPS and profitability. After the start in Belgium, we are now in the middle of a global rollout.”

Caroline de Roose
“The FTR program worked its way through the entire customer chain to find solutions for unnecessary customer contact. Besides a significant 25% decrease in contact volume over 3 years, an equally important legacy is the impassioned conveyance of all ins & outs surrounding Customer Experience management, the sparring partner for me as a manager and source of inspiration, always ready to take the next step. Thank you!”

Maud Martens
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Ready to deliver high impact Customer Experience?
Apply for a CX Pilot intake and discover how I can help you create measurable results in a short time, a boost in employee energy and a have a board that embraces CX.
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Each Sunday evening the best CX content from board-level sources like McKinsey, Forrester, etc.